JCK Bootcamps RSVP

By completing the form below you reserve your spot in our popular half-day instensives covering Succession, Social Media and Security. Attend all three and save $25! These take place onsite at the JCK Show in the Casanova Ballroom at The Sands Expo. Someone from our Customer Service team will follow-up to complete the payment process with you after you submit this reservation form.

Your Information

Only used to communicate with you about your Bootcamp payment and session details

Only used to communicate with you about your Bootcamp payment and session details

Select Your Bootcamps

Check each box to reserve your space in the Bootcamps of your choice. You must pre-reserve the Bootcamp to attend onsite at JCK. Bootcamp Rates: 1 Session - $125 2 Sessions - $250 3 Sessions - $350 (Save $25) Save More with JCK Pro: 20% Off for JCK Pro Subscribers

Family Business Succession Planning: The Last Piece in Your Company Transition Instructor: Bill Boyajian, Bill Boyajian Associates

Social Media & Digital Marketing Excellence: How to Reach Breakthrough Success in Today's Digital 3.0 World Instructor: The Smithee Group

How to Keep Your Store Safe from Today's Criminals Instructor: John Kennedy, Jewelers Security Alliance