Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies
Student Funding - E.D. Farmer Fellowship
Required Information
Letters of recommendation and/or references need to be uploaded with your application.
In order to submit, you must have (and be able to upload) the following required information: name, EID, biographical and contact information, classification at UT-Austin, academic information, travel proposal, budget, and letters of recommendation.
Thank you for applying for graduate student funding through the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. We welcome applications for funding from students across UT Austin. This application allows students to apply for the E.D. Farmer Fellowship. Details about available funding and eligibility may be found on this page: https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/llilas/student-programs/graduate-program/graduate-funding.html.
The deadline for all applications is February 15th.
Awardees will be notified on March 15th and award disbursement is on May 15th.
It is the student's responsibility to ensure their application is complete; incomplete applications will not be considered. Read all descriptions and instructions carefully.
The estimated time to complete the application is 30 minutes. Please submit a separate survey for each funding request.
LLILAS will not be responsible for files that are not identifiable to an applicant. Please make sure to save the files using the following format: "LastName_EID_Document Type". Example: Longhorn_abc1234_Resume.
If you experience technical difficulties or have questions, please contact llilas.grad@austin.utexas.edu