Portland Parks & Recreation

Commercial Activity Application Intake

Do not navigate away from this form before submitting all fields. If you leave this window while your application is in process, your work will not be saved and you will need to start over.

You must agree to each acknowledgement by marking the checkbox in order to continue the application.

A commercial activity permit allows an individual or organization to maintain an ongoing subsidiary business on Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) premises. Any use of PP&R's outdoor premises to advertise/promote a product/service or build an offsite business is considered commercial in nature. https://www.portland.gov/parks/commercial

I have read and agree to the current terms and conditions in the General Guidelines for Commercial Activity at PP&R's Outdoor Facilities (pdf) on the Commercial Activity website.

The Commercial Activity Permittee must be in compliance with the Business Tax laws of the City of Portland. More information on compliance, requirements and confirming compliance status can be found on the Portland Revenue Bureau website. https://www.portland.gov/revenue/business-tax

I agree to be in compliance with the Business Tax laws with the City of Portland.

PP&R requires insurance and additional insured endorsement. Workers' compensation is necessary unless you are a sole operator. All documents must be valid for the duration of the commercial activity in the park. https://www.portland.gov/parks/commercial

I agree to the provide the required insurance documents to Portland Parks & Recreation.

Returning Commercial Vendor?*
Select or enter value
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How many parks are you applying for?

An Application Fee will be assessed for each park requested.

Which season(s) are you applying for? Select all that apply.

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Caret IconCaret symbol

Payment Plan Request*

Permit fees are due in full prior to start date. Payment plans are set up to be debited automatically to pull payment from a valid credit card. Please refer to the

General Guidelines for Commercial Activity at PPR's Outdoor Facilities (2023) (pdf)

Please include any requests and information regarding your application.

Please attach the necessary documents below to upload. Ensure the application is filled in, the insurance and business tax compliance are for the current year. You may attach additional documents such as flyers, promotional products, additional information as needed. Please keep each file size under 1MB and no more than 10 file uploads per application.

Please note, a completed Commercial Activity Application must be attached.

Drag and drop files here or

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