Volunteer Application

Please complete the information below. After submitting the application, we will contact you and provide a listing of the ministry opportunities available in your area. We are excited about your interest in partnering with us to bring hope to prisoners and their families.

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Local Church Affiliation

As part of maintaining a healthy spiritual life, all Prison Fellowship volunteers are required to maintain an active relationship with a local church. Please enter your church information below

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Involvement Opportunities

Prison Fellowship's In-Prison opportunities require a background check and consent to a volunteer risk and liability waiver. By clicking the box below, you are stating that you are willing to submit to a background check provided by The State Bureau of Prisons and/or the Federal Bureau of Prisons and sign the Prison Fellowship Volunteer Risk & Liability Waiver in order to volunteer inside prison


Please check the best day(s) to volunteer

General Information

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Important: If you are approved as a volunteer, we will need to contact two references to validate your application. One reference must be a spiritual leader in your life: pastor, small group leader or spiritual mentor. The other reference must be someone outside of your family.

Reference #1 - Pastor

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Reference #2 - Other Reference

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Statement of Faith

THE FOUNDATION OF WHAT WE BELIEVE As a Christian organization, Prison Fellowship believes in the full authority of the Bible as God's inspired word and the complete tenets of the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds. We believe in one God, Creator and Lord of the Universe, the co-eternal Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, died a substitutionary atoning death on the cross, rose bodily from the dead and ascended to heaven where, as truly God and truly man, He is the only mediator between God and man. We believe that the Bible is God's authoritative and inspired Word, without error in all its teachings. HOW WE ARE COMPELLED TO LIVE AND TO ACT We believe that Christians, both individually and corporately, must submit to the Bible, as God’s authoritative, divine and inspired Word, in all matters of belief and conduct.

HOW OUR MISSION AND OUR APPROACH IS SHAPED Prison Fellowship exists to bring glory to God and share His truth and love with those we serve, our employees, volunteers, and communities, according to Scriptural truths. Our mission is to help restore those affected by crime and incarceration. This mission is founded on the Biblical conviction that all people are created in God’s image and that no life is beyond God’s reach. Therefore, we believe that a restorative approach to prisoners, former prisoners, and all those affected by crime and incarceration reflects the God-given dignity and potential of every person and can help individual lives and communities flourish. WHAT THE HOPE OF JESUS MEANS FOR OTHERS We believe that Jesus—Himself brought to trial, executed, buried, and brought to life again—offers hope, healing, and a new purpose for each life. He can make even the most broken people and situations affected by crime and incarceration whole again. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR COMMUNITIES Through an amazing awakening to new hope and life purpose available through Jesus, those who once broke the law are transformed and mobilized to serve their neighbors, replacing the cycle of crime with a cycle of renewal that restores entire communities. Because the Bible calls us to remember and visit those in prison, we believe that every Christian is compelled to contribute to this restorative cycle.

COMMITMENT TO PRISON FELLOWSHIP’S STATEMENT OF FAITH The Christian faith is at the core of the philosophy of Prison Fellowship; therefore, I agree to maintain a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ. I agree to not promote teachings contrary to, Prison Fellowship’s statement of faith, and to support Prison Fellowship’s core mission, vision, and values. COMMITMENT TO FOLLOW WITH PRISON FELLOWSHIP LEADERSHIP I agree to submit to the leadership of Prison Fellowship Staff, Department of Corrections Staff, and Volunteer leaders placed over me. I also agree to be a team player and promote problem-solving and cooperation with my peers. COMMITMENT TO A BALANCED CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE I agree to maintain a mature Christian lifestyle, which includes emotional stability, healthy interpersonal relationships, financial responsibility, and a stable living situation. I agree to be a regular participant in a local gathering of believers that provides ongoing support and encouragement. Involvement with Prison Fellowship’s volunteer network is not a substitute for commitment to a local church.

COMMITMENT TO WORK WITH OTHERS FROM DIFFERENT CHRISTIAN TRADITIONS Prison Fellowship draws its support from people in many different Bible-believing churches; therefore, I agree to work with other Christians from different orthodox denominations, and not to push doctrines which are specific to my denomination and may cause division. COMMITMENT TO WORK WITH PARTICIPANTS OF ANY FAITH OR NO RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE In addition to working alongside volunteers from other Christian denominations, I also agree to work with incarcerated participants from any faith tradition, or who have no stated religious preference. I agree to deliver the Academy material as it is intended to be delivered, always demonstrating the Gospel in my actions and attitudes, and promoting a safe place for everyone to belong, regardless of their beliefs.

Prison Fellowship is not obligated to provide placement, nor are you obligated to accept the volunteer position offered. Opportunities for volunteers are provided without regard to race, national origin, and age.