At the Intersection of Autism and Trauma: Where do behavioral providers fit in?(ASD Tri-State Webinar)

Presented by: Dr. Camille Kolu, BCBA-D

Originally aired: January 19, 2022

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Webinar Evaluation

(e.g. presenter, needed more information on this topic)

Knowledge Check

If you pass the Knowledge Check with 3 of 4 questions correct, you will receive an email with a link to a personalized certificate. If you do not pass the Knowledge Check, you will receive an email with some feedback and a link to try again. Emails can take up to 60 minutes to arrive; thank you for your patience. Be sure to add the domain "" to your safe senders list.

Q1. Select the answer that most accurately, according to the presentation, lists examples of repertoire components for providers in trauma-related practice.*
Q2. Select one way that the presentation operationalized a trauma related term in a way conceptually consistent with behavior analysis.*
Q3. Select the best example, consistent with the presentation, of a behavioral cusp for teams that can enhance behavior analytic practice with people affected by trauma and autism.*
Q4. Select the response that BEST names a procedure the presentation discussed as contraindicated (e.g., not temporarily supportive) for the client in the example used.*