HST Data Request

Before submitting your request, please visit our HST Tableau Dashboards, which Include our HIV, STD, & TB surveillance and testing data.

HIV, STD, and Tuberculosis are reportable diseases in all counties in Oregon and data is stored in Orpheus, a joint database development and integration effort co-sponsored by the Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention (ACDP) and the HIV, Sexually Transmitted Disease, and Tuberculosis (HST) Programs within the Oregon Public Health Division. For more information about Orpheus or data collected please visit our website.

Please include the following information in your data request. If you have questions about this form, feel free to email us at prevention.info@odhsoha.oregon.gov.

The form intends to help you think through your entire request, make the process more efficient and make sure you receive the data you request.

Requestor Information

Data Request Information

Please select all that apply.

Clearly state the study aims and corresponding hypothesis, and how Oregonians would benefit with the outcomes of the data request.

Please describe which topics or variables you are interested in looking at, for example: sexual risk behaviors, substance use, incarceration history. Please be as specific as possible, and if you have specific survey questions/data elements in mind, please list them.

Examples: Multnomah County, or Tri-County area (Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington grouped data), rural vs. urban etc. Single years 2020, 2019, 2018 or grouped years 2020-2018, 2017-2015, etc.

Please specify how you want these to be analyzed. Examples: age groups (five-year grouping), race/ethnicity (with Latino as ethnicity or race). Depending on the granularity of the data request, we may be unable to release small numbers. If this is the case, what data could be aggregated (e.g., combine years, collapse demographic categories)?

The program will do the best to complete the request by this date. However, providing this date does not guarantee delivery by this date.

If request cannot be complete by the specific date, do you still want the data?*
Do you or your organization have an existing data sharing agreement with HST/OHA?*

Please attach any documentation to support your data request. It helps us to see tables or charts you want to reproduce/update. Examples include previously created reports, and table templates.

Drag and drop files here or
  • The name in the box below is the same person completing this data request form
  • The information requested will be used for the purpose stated in this request only
  • The information requested will not be used for malicious intent
  • Pre-existing privacy and confidentiality data sharing agreements will be honored.