Bais Yaakov Tuition Contracts

Please use this form to complete your tuition contract(s) for the 2024-2025 school year.

Please select a Payment Plan*


Visa/Mastercard: 2.85% + $.30

Discover/Diners: 2.85% + $.30

American Express/JCB: 2.95% + $.30

Account Entity*
Account Type*

Tuition Payment Plans

Bais Yaakov is now using VCPay in the place of FACTS to collect automatic tuition payments. Payments are drawn from your VCPay account on the twentieth of the month for ten months.

Terms and Conditions

Re/Enrollment is conditioned upon the following terms:

1. Acceptance of enrollment constitutes an agreement to pay the full academic year's account, comprised of both TOTAL TUITION and all related fees and expenses of the student. Bais Yaakov is entitled to be reimbursed for any attorney's fees and costs incurred in the collection of any unpaid balance.

2. Transcripts will be held for students until all unpaid tuition and fees are received.

3. Bais Yaakov may use printed or electronic photographs or videos of your child from school events for newsletters or other promotional purposes.

4. Parents of new students, as well as present parents registering a new student, are required to take a technology awareness class before the student begins school.

5. Your signature authorizes Bais Yaakov to sign the electronic version of this contract in and enter payment information on your behalf.