Small Cell Feasibility Review Request

Please fill out the form below and upload a PDF file per site.

Select or enter value
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May be used only once. For resubmittals for the same Carrier, an additional identifier letter or number to distinguish between locations. Example: 1st submittal - ATX1 2nd submittals - ATX_A

If no pole number, submit N/A ***NOTICE*** If the proposed pole is an Austin Energy pole, the pole number is mandatory or request will be rejected.

AEDP - Austin Energy Distribution Pole AEMSLP - Austin Energy Metal Streetlight Pole ATD - Austin Transportation Dept. Traffic Signal Pole NODE SUPPORT - Free-Standing Node Support Pole AT&T - AT&T Utility Pole OTHER

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Caret IconCaret symbol
Select or enter value
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Is this site located in or adjacent to a City Municipal Park

Caret IconCaret symbol

Attachment must include one site per submittal- must have the address, intersection, corner, GPS coordinates, photo of pole with an arrow pointing to the node site and map of each site and carrier ID.

Drag and drop files here or