Please fill out the form below and upload a PDF file per site.
May be used only once. For resubmittals for the same Carrier, an additional identifier letter or number to distinguish between locations. Example: 1st submittal - ATX1 2nd submittals - ATX_A
If no pole number, submit N/A ***NOTICE*** If the proposed pole is an Austin Energy pole, the pole number is mandatory or request will be rejected.
AEDP - Austin Energy Distribution Pole AEMSLP - Austin Energy Metal Streetlight Pole ATD - Austin Transportation Dept. Traffic Signal Pole NODE SUPPORT - Free-Standing Node Support Pole AT&T - AT&T Utility Pole OTHER
Is this site located in or adjacent to a City Municipal Park
Attachment must include one site per submittal- must have the address, intersection, corner, GPS coordinates, photo of pole with an arrow pointing to the node site and map of each site and carrier ID.