TB/HIV/STD Database Access Requests

Requesting New Access to a DSHS Database

The following steps apply for all new DSHS TB, HIV, or STD application and database account requests. Requests for new access to a database must come from an DSHS-approved Local Responsible Party (LRP) and/or LRP Designee for your agency. If you do not know who this individual is, check with your supervisor. DSHS will not accept requests for new access to a DSHS database without approval from an LRP or LRP designee.

Renewing Database Access (Annual)

DSHS requires people with access to confidential TB, HIV, STD, and/or viral hepatitis information to complete a security training and sign a Confidentiality Agreement and an Acceptable Use Agreement at time of employment and on an annual basis. This includes DSHS employees (permanent, temporary, and contractors), IT staff, volunteers, and students.

New User and Renewal Instructions:

Complete the Security and Confidentiality Training course. If you took the online security and confidentiality course:

  • Complete the training and pass with at least 85 percent.
  • Save your completed course certificate as Lastname_Firstname_Agency_Strn.pdf.
  • Upload your TB/HIV/STD Data Security and Confidentiality Certificate to Smartsheet and submit your request.

Deactivating User Access from DSHS Databases

A supervisor or LRP is responsible for notifying the DSHS HIV/STD Section Privacy Coordinator when an employee ends employment with the agency or changes to a new department or role that will no longer require the individual to access database(s). The supervisor/LRP will use this form for that deactivation request.

*Please only submit access requests for yourself. DSHS will decline third-party requests.***

**TB Only: Please upload your TB Personnel Notice Form**

Request Type*

Please select the type of user that you are.

User information

*Note: New access requests and renewals must be filled out by the employee/contractor.

Caret IconCaret symbol

Please select all that apply

NEDSS Access

NEDSS Level Access

Thisis View Only

Please review descriptions of THISIS roles and groups before selecting responses to ensure you receive proper access and rights.


Leave blank if editing rights are needed.


Only request roles from the following options if you need editing rights for that account. Leave accounts below blank if you only need viewing rights. Check all that apply.

Check box to confirm access request.

Globalscape Access

eHARS Access

NTIP Access

Check box to confirm access request.

TB GIMS Access

Check box to confirm access request.

EDN Access

Check box to confirm access request.

Other Access

Approval Information

Who is your manager/supervisor? (First Name and Last name)

Please provide an email address.

Is the (LRP)Local Responsible Party the same as Manager/Supervisor?*

Please check the box if the LRP is the same as the Manager/Supervisor

Information Security Acceptable Use E-Agreement

Before signing this agreement, read the Information Security Acceptable Use Policy in its entirety and make sure that you understand it.

Information Security Acceptable Use Policy for reference only (DO NOT UPLOAD)

If you need help accessing the policy, speak to your supervisor or contract manager

I have read, understand, and will comply with the requirements in the Information Security Acceptable Use Policy.

Account Renewals

Complete this section only if you are renewing access to one or more DSHS-owned or managed databases/applications. Otherwise, leave this section blank.

Indicate which database(s) and/or application(s) you currently use and continue to need to access:

TB/HIV/STD Confidentiality E-Agreement

Please refer to PDF form link on the DSHS website to read the full agreement.

Confidentiality Agreement for reference only (DO NOT UPLOAD)

Account Deactivation


Supervisor Information


Access to Deactivate

Please include the Worker Number and Worker Number Type if applicable.

*Please upload your TB/HIV/STD Data Security and Confidentiality Certificate for new or renewed access.

**TB Only: Please upload your TB Personnel Notice Form for new database requests and /or deactivations.

Drag and drop files here or