Invite Prospective Patients 2024

For prospective patients who have indicated they are interested in establishing care with Dr. Lai. (ReNovi Integrative Medicine).


1. Are you still interested in being a patient in our office?

If your reason is not listed below, please type in your reason in the text box and hit Enter

Select or enter value
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Advanced Functional Medicine with Dr. Lai (available as cash ONLY)- ANSWER QUESTIONS #4-6 BELOW
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If you selected Advanced Functional Medicine, please also answer the questions below:

If you answered Primary Care or Integrative Medicine Care, PLEASE SKIP THIS SECTION AND CLICK SUBMIT

5. HOW MOTIVATED are you to WORK HARD on yourself to feel better?

Thank you for your response!

If you indicated continued interest, you will receive an email or a call from our office with additional information in the coming days.