Repair Intake Form  

Greetings Genfare Customer!

The is our repair intake form at Genfare. We designed this form for ease of use by our customers. The process will enable you to receive email updates throughout the repair process.

Need to find a Serial Number? Use our Serial Number Locator Tool.

Here is the an Excel file to use as a template for submitting a Return Repair Request:


Thank you for your time.

--Genfare Repair Team

Enter your full agency name. (Please no acronyms; many agencies share common names.)

Please enter the street number, street name of your facility.

(This helps us look you up and confirm your address in our system.)

Please enter the city, state and zip code of your facility.

Please enter the full name of who is requesting the return.

(Attention to in the return shipment.)

You may enter more than one email address, just separate them with a comma. Useful if more than one person needs updates on the progress of the return.


Please enter a full phone number with area code and extension.

(In case we need to contact you with any questions.)

Please provide an attachment listing with at least the following:


OPTIONAL - You can also attach a Purchase Order (PO) here.

Accepted file formats - Excel, Word, PDF, Text file (We have a template in Excel for you!)

Drag and drop files here or

Use this space to enter a description or notes for this RMA, we will keep these notes in the email updates you get about your return.

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