Concerns and Complaints - reporting form

The AUC community (students, faculty, and staff) are encouraged to bring concerns, complaints, observed lapses in professional behavior, and misconduct to the attention of the AUC administration. Complete this form if you would like to report a concern complaint. Your report will route immediately to the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs who will evaluate the report for further action or investigation (see the workflow for the process: Email if you have any questions about the form, the process, or the progress of your concern or complaint. Please be as detailed as possible so we may thoroughly investigate a complaint or concern. This information will be private to the fullest extent possible, meaning that information related to the complaint will only be shared with those individuals who “need to know” in order to assist in the review, response, or resolution of the complaint, or as required by law or policy. When disclosure of information is necessary, it will be limited to the extent possible.

Answer this question if you would like to file a complaint about an AUC provided service, course, facility, program, faculty, or staff member.

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Please describe the situation using specific, concise, objective language. Make sure to include all relevant information.

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Please select any applicable misconduct you observed.

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Please upload any supporting documents related to the complaint, concern, or lapse in professional behavior.

Drag and drop files here or