2024 Signup Form to Help at Commencement
Thank you for signing up to help at our upcoming commencement ceremony.
Please see below a description of the duties:
- Setting up items on tables, including, diploma covers, registration, decorations, and programs.
- Providing directions: direct students to Smithwick and guests to the library quad.
- Providing directions and guiding guests: direct students to Smithwick and guests to the library quad, location of restrooms, accessible seating, and other locations.
- Handing out programs: help distribute programs to guests as they arrive at the library quad.
- Provide information: answer any questions from students or guests
- Help with crowd control: You may be asked to guide guests to the seating area.
- Provide other support as needed
- Attend graduation practice Thursday, June 27 at 10am
- Assist students with regalia as needed
- Name Cards: Make sure all students have their name cards.
- Direct students to sit by the division
- Get students in line for the procession
- Guide students to their seats and sit with your assigned division
- Direct students to the stage to receive their diploma
If you have questions about the duties please reach us at foothillgraduation@fhda.edu.
thank you,
-Commencement Team