Test Impropriety and Irregularity Report Form

District Test Coordinators (DTCs) must use this form to report all potential test improprieties and irregularities to the Oregon Department of Education. DTCs must submit their initial report within one day of learning of a potential test impropriety. For more information about test improprieties and irregularities, please see the Test Administration Manual Section 3.0.

Incident Information

(Check one or both. See TAM Section 3.0 for definitions)

•    If you select Yes below, please limit your report to one student.

•    If there was an IEP violation concerning testing supports or accommodations, please indicate which ones.

Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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•    If testing supports or accommodations were involved, please specifically indicate which one(s).

•    Consult Section 3.6 of the TAM for more information about improprieties, irregularities, and potential outcomes.

Student Information

If Number of Tests Impacted is 2 or more, enter See Attached.

If Number of Tests Impacted is 2 or more, enter See Attached.

Select or enter value
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Each report should concern only one test type.

Select or enter value
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If Number of Tests Impacted is 2 or more, enter See Attached. Enter N/A for ORExt assessments.


Use this upload field when multiple tests were impacted.

  • Complete the Multiple Tests Information Upload Template.
  • Make sure all tests in the Template match the Test Name selected above. Do not submit a Template with multiple test types.
  • You may include supplemental documents, such as a photo that helps illustrate the impropriety or irregularity (such as documenting instructional materials that were not removed or covered).
Drag and drop files here or

DTC Contact Information

If due to reasons such as illness or absence an alternate submitter is needed, please enter the alternate submitter’s name here, with the phrase “on behalf of [DTC name]”.

If an alternate submitter was needed for the reasons cited above, enter both the DTC email and the alternate submitter’s email, separated by a semicolon.

Example: dtc@district.k12.or.us; altsubmitter@district.k12.or.us

Select or enter value
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ODE will review this report and respond to the District Test Coordinator within 5 business days to either request additional information or confirm the outcome for all impacted tests.