Outdoor Adventure Fund

Grant Application Form

Information about this application form

Before submitting this application form, please read all relevant information about this grant scheme.

Contact Details

In this section, we'll ask for the details of the person submitting this application.


Applicant Details

In this section, we'll ask for details about the applicant. This is the entity applying for the grant.

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Project Details

In this section, we'll ask for details about the project.

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Adventures must occur within six months of applying for this grant.

If part of a nights away experience, please enter the first day.

Please note that this field is in MM/DD/YYYY format. Sorry, we can't change it!

Please note that this field is in MM/DD/YYYY format. Sorry, we can't change it!

This is in case we're able to visit! Please include a postcode.

Please provide a brief, descriptive project name. Example: Rock Climbing in Pembroke or Kayaking on Summer Camp.

Only adventures that require one or more of these permits are eligible to receive a grant.

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The maximum grant amount is the lower of 50% of the project cost or £100

Bank Details

In this section, we'll ask for information about the applicant's bank details.

If your application is successful, the grant must be paid into a Scouting bank account.

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We usually expect the name on the account to match that of the applicant.

This should take the format of four digits followed by a forward slash followed by nine digits.

Example: 1234 / 123456789

Verification of Bank Details

In this section, we'll verify the bank details entered above.

Please upload a bank statement - in PDF format - dated within the past three months.

It should clearly show all of the following information:

•    Name of bank or building society

•    Name on bank account

•    Sort code

•    Account number

Drag and drop files here or

POR Approvals

POR states that applications for grants from UK Headquarters must have the relevant local volunteer line management approvals.

Group Chair's Details

Please provide the details of the Group Chair.

If the role is vacant, please input the details of whoever is acting.

District Chair's Details

Please provide the details of the District Chair.

If the role is vacant, please input the details of whoever is acting.

If the District Commissioner is acting as the Group Chair, input their role as District Commissioner.

Select or enter value
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District Commissioner's Details

Please provide the details of the District Commissioner.

If the role is vacant, please input the details of whoever is acting.

If the County Commissioner is acting as the District Commissioner, input their role as County Commissioner.

Please note that the same person cannot provide both Chair and Commissioner approval. Therefore if the District Commissioner is acting as the Group Chair, enter the County Commissioner in this section.

County Commissioner's Details

Please provide the details of the County Commissioner.

If the role is vacant, please input the details of whoever is acting.

Select or enter value
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We appreciate that this section can be confusing. Please use this box to provide any explanation or useful context.

You can also contact us if you need any help.

GDPR Notice