Notice of Change of Ownership

This web form is intended to be filled out only by the current owner of registered groundwater wells, surface water appropriations (water rights), or dams that are subject to the Safety of Dams and Reservoirs Act, Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 46-1601 to 46-1670. This form is NOT a Water Resources Update Notice, which is required to be signed by the seller and buyer at the time of sale. The form for that process is contained in the link in the paragraph below. If it has been more than 60 days since transfer of property has occurred, then this web form may be used by the NEW OWNER. A copy of a deed or other documented proof of land ownership must be submitted with this form.

For title companies, law firms and others needing to prepare ownership update documents for clients involved in land purchases here is the link to the fillable PDF form:

If you need to do research before submitting an ownership change notice, here is a link to a web page that contains helpful links that will guide you to various Land Ownership Reference websites:

There are other useful links below to look up specific information regarding surface water appropriations, groundwater wells, and dams.

Name(s) of the person to be shown as owner in Department records. Name(s) must be exactly as described on deed or other document transferring ownership of Property.

Address followed by City, State, ZipCode

Check this box, and complete items 4-8d below if you would like to add additional contact information such as tenant, farm manager, attorney, etc.

1e. Please select which Ownership category or categories you intend to update (select one option):*

Please check the checkbox in either 2a or 2b.

Please check the checkbox in either 2a or 2b.

Drag and drop files here or

3. Below, list surface water appropriation numbers, groundwater well numbers, and dam NID numbers if known.

If the number of surface water appropriation numbers exceed the available character limit, please type "See attached list" and attach the list using the file upload feature above.

If you do not have any surface water appropriations that need updating, please put "N/A".

Example of a surface water appropriation number (A-1234).

State statutes Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 46-230 and 76-2,124 require owners of surface water appropriations to provide the Department with current owner information.

Tabular Surface Water Right Database Search Page:

Surface Water Right Interactive Map:

If the number of groundwater well numbers exceed the available character limit, please type "See attached list" and attach the list using the file upload feature above.

If you do not have any groundwater wells that need updating please put "N/A".

Example of a ground water well number (G-012345).

State statutes Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 46-602(6) and 76-2,124 require owners of registered groundwater wells to provide the Department with current owner information.

Tabular Registered Groundwater Well Database Search Page:

Registered Groundwater Well Interactive Map:

If the number of dam NID numbers exceed the available character limit, please type "See attached list" and attach the list using the file upload feature above.

If you do not have any dams that need updating please put "N/A".

An example of a dam NID number (NE00001).

State statute Neb. Rev. Stat. § 46-1641 require owners of dams subject to the Safety of Dams and Reservoirs Act to provide the Department with current owner information.

Safety of Dams and Reservoirs Program Interactive Map:

4. Alternate Contact Request (Optional, the following section is not commonly used, if you don't need to provide this information, please read Section 9, check the box, and enter your signature in Section 10).

Complete the information below in sections 4-8, only if Alternate Contact Request box is checked in item 1d above.

Please enter the Surface Water Appropriation Numbers that you intend on adding an alternate contact for.

Please enter the Groundwater Well Registration Numbers that you intend on adding an alternate contact for.

Please enter the Dam NID Numbers that you intend on adding an alternate contact for.

Address followed by City, State, Zip Code

Address followed by City, State, Zip Code

Address followed by City, State, Zip Code

Address followed by City, State, Zip Code

To be eligible to submit this form you must be one of the owners or have legal authority to represent an owner. If someone other than the owner submits this form you must upload evidence of your authority (POA document for example) to sign on behalf of the owner. You may use the upload file feature below Section 2b of this web form for any such documents. If the new owner is a corporation or other legal entity, the person submitting this notice must be an officer of the corporation or otherwise have authority to sign on behalf of the organization and must include their title with the digital signature.

By checking the box below, I attest that I meet the criteria described above and have uploaded any necessary legal representation proof along with a copy of the deed or other legal instrument of land ownership. Furthermore, I/We, give the Department of Natural Resources permission to provide copies of all correspondence, regulation notices, and orders to the persons entered through this form for matters concerning this surface water appropriation, water well registration or dam.

Please enter your legal first and last name (and title if applicable).