ME Make To Innovate Tech Elective Request

ME students wishing to get technical elective credit for AER E 4940 for the Spring 2025 semester need to submit the following form by 5:00 PM onFebruary 7, 2025. Forms submitted after this deadline will not be reviewed.

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Briefly describe what your project is about and what it will accomplish.

Describe in detail what exactly your role is in the project. Include what team you are on, if you have a title (leadership position), and what your contribution is to the team.

Describe in detail what tasks you, as an individual, will be working on during the semester.

Describe in detail what skills you hope to learn through this experience. Include any technical skills and professional development skills (such as leadership, teamwork, communication) you expect to learn.

By typing your name below, you are digitally signing that you have read and understand this document and that the above information is accurate and that you will work towards the tasks and objectives as outlined in this document. Failure to meet your tasks, goals or to submit the final report may result in a failing grade in the course.