By submitting this form, I agree to the following Terms and Conditions while volunteering:
- I will follow the direction of the Event Coordinator and Organising Committee at all times.
- I will fulfil my duties associated with my allocated role to the best of my ability.
- I will be polite to everyone at all times. This includes festival patrons, entertainers, committee members and fellow volunteers.
- I will treat everyone with respect. If an issue arises that I cannot courteously resolve, I will refer the person to the ACOF office.
- I will arrive at least 15mins before my shift to be inducted to be able to start at the scheduled time.
- I will be dressed and groomed appropriately.
- I will respect the authority of, and decisions made by, Australian Camp Oven Festival Organising Committee and staff.
- I will be honest and reliable.
- If for any reason I cannot make my allocated shift, I will contact the Volunteer Coordinator providing as much notice as possible.
- I will adhere to any policies, procedures and guidelines provided by my Supervisor.
- I will not be under the influence of alcohol and drugs whilst working my shift. Any volunteer found to be under the influence will be retired for the duration of the event and disciplinary action may be taken.
- If I am under 18, I confirm I have permission from my Guardian to volunteer and will be accompanied by an adult at the event.