Digital Crop Doc

Note that all information that could personally identify a submitter or field will remain confidential. Your personal information will only be used to contact you with a diagnosis. Starred items are required.

If you plan to submit samples from more than one field, it may be helpful to provide a field name.

Please provide the name of the town closest to the field. Location information can help us both obtain relevant weather conditions and track new or emerging disease trends.

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In the past two weeks, have you noticed standing water or waterlogged conditions in these low-lying areas?

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Please select all that apply.

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Genetic characteristics of a variety or hybrid can help to provide clues that can aid in diagnosis.

When was the last fertilizer application made?

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When was the last herbicide application made?

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When was the last fungicide application made?

Select or enter value
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When was the last insecticide application made?

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Select or enter value
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Please provide any additional information that might help with a diagnosis: Weather conditions prior to seeing symptoms; planting conditions; soil conditions, etc.

Please provide your first and last name.

You may drag and drop your photos here or browse your files. You may add up to 10 photos. Attach photos that provide a full account of the symptoms. For wilt symptoms, examine the stem and root tissue for lesions. If foliar or stem lesions are not visible, split the stem and root and take a photo of internal symptoms.

Drag and drop files here or

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