Locally Created Evaluator Training: Initial Interest Application

On behalf of the CDE Educator Effectiveness Team, thank you for your interest in creating and providing training to satisfy the requirements in statute and State Board rule for all evaluators of licensed personnel.

This form serves to express your interest, on behalf of your district/BOCES/organization, in creating an evaluator training program that meets or exceeds the evaluator training standards and elements in State Board rule (1 CCR 301-87, 5.3 (H)). All submitted training programs will be reviewed by the CDE Educator Effectiveness Office.

For a closer look at the review process, peruse the review rubric.

Please contact your Educator Effectiveness Regional Specialist or email educator_effectiveness@cde.state.co.us for assistance in this process and/or if questions arise.

This is optional

Responses to the following will provide clarification and inform how the Educator Effectiveness Office might offer support during this process. Responses will not affect the review and/or recommendation for approval.

Please Note: Once approved, you will receive a template for certificates of completion to provide for your participants as documentation for license renewal.

  1. This application is submitted on behalf of your district/BOCES indicating interest in submitting a locally created evaluator training for review and approval by CDE. Completion of this form does not require you to submit a training for review.
  2. The evaluator training program provided by your district/BOCES must meet or exceed the evaluator training standards and elements in State Board rule.