St. Louis Community College
Application for Open Educational Resources
(OER) Development
Open Educational Resources (OER) provide both access to course materials on the first day of classes and cost savings for students. St. Louis Community College is providing an opportunity to apply for support, resources, and compensation to formally develop quality OER materials.
The development of quality OER materials begins with the creation of a course map. The OER materials course map should explicitly and clearly show the connections between the course learning outcomes, module level objectives, and assessment types. OER development may be requested for courses in various stages of development and may include:
Proposed courses with no Course of Record (COR) content will be evaluated for COR and OER joint development; if determined to be a good candidate for COR course development, the development will follow COR practices, otherwise, the OER development process will be followed.
Proposed courses with Course of Record (COR) content that do not currently have OER integrated will be evaluated to determine if the course should be redeveloped or if the existing course map may be used for the OER development process.
Proposed courses with existing Course of Record (COR) content that has OER incorporated will be reviewed to determine if additional or expanded OER development would benefit students. The existing COR course map will be used for any further OER development until the COR course is slated for a full redevelopment process at which time the COR and OER will be evaluated and redeveloped in tandem.
OER development can include one of the four following choices:
• Curating existing text and ancillary materials – no customization
• Curating existing text and ancillary materials – with customization
• Curating existing text and creating ancillary materials
• Creating text and ancillary materials
Ancillary materials may include items such as PowerPoint slides, relevant multimedia, and interactive learning activities, as well as exam and quiz question banks and choices for discussion prompts. The type of ancillary materials to be curated and/or created should be included in the application narrative.
OER materials shall be created following Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards, and OER materials that are developed or expanded under this process must be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
A completed OER development will include...
• Reference document for all items created/curated
• Compilation of materials in our OER resource area
• Sustainability Plan
• Assessment Plan
Applications will be evaluated by several metrics including impact to students.
In the case of COR and OER combined developments, the COR Online Lead Faculty will play a lead role in the re-development or development of the course content to ensure alignment between outcomes, module objectives, activities, and assessments. The COR approved course map must be used for the OER development project.
Once OER materials are fully developed, the development team will make a presentation to the district emphasizing the development process, and connections between the OER materials and course learning objectives, student interaction/engagement, student equity, innovations, and overall impact to teaching and learning.