Volunteers Wanted for MyFreeTaxes!

United Way's MyFreeTaxes program is seeking volunteers.

  • Volunteer online
  • Set your own schedule
  • Select your role
  • Deliver huge financial impact for low- and moderate-income families
  • Join a small, entrepreneurial team running one of the largest and most innovative VITA programs nationwide

About MyFreeTaxes

MyFreeTaxes helps people file their taxes for free while getting the assistance they need. United Way provides MyFreeTaxes in partnership with the IRS’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program to help filers prepare their tax returns on their own or have their return prepared for them for free.

Each year, MyFreeTaxes helps hundreds of thousands of LMI filers file for free and obtain nearly $300M in tax credits and saved fees, including their stimulus payment and Child Tax Credit.

About the Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer late January thru April, with the option to extend your volunteerism thru October
  • Volunteer 2+ hours a week and set your own schedule
  • Primary Volunteer Activities:
  • Answer MyFreeTaxes user questions via email
  • Identify common questions and support the expansion of our FAQ
  • Supplemental/Optional Volunteer Activities:
  • Produce tip sheets and filer guides to help MyFreeTaxes users
  • Conduct UI/UX testing to improve our user experience
  • Identify and co-design your own projects

Questions? Contact Bryndan.Stueve@uww.unitedway.org with the subject line of "MyFreeTaxes Volunteer Question".

Contact Information


Tell us a bit about yourself

On a scale of 1-5, how familiar are you with VITA?*

There is no formal requirement to be familiar with VITA. We're just curious.

Are you fluent in Spanish?*
Have you previously volunteered with or worked for a VITA program?*

For example: How long were you involved with a VITA program? What was your role? What organization ran the VITA program, and where was it located?

If you have not previously achieved VITA certification you may skip this question.

There is no formal requirement to be familiar with VITA. We're just curious.

This is an approximate figure. You will not be locked into your answer here. We also understand your capacity will fluctuate throughout the calendar year.

If you know it, please include the staff person's name, their email address, and the organization name.


Please provide us with one reference who we may contact to learn more about you. References who work for United Way or a VITA program are encouraged but not required.

Please provide the name of a reference who we may contact to learn more about you. References who work for United Way or a VITA program are encouraged but not required.

Please provide the email address for the person you are listing as your reference.

Please provide the phone number for the person you are listing as your reference, if you have it.


Please provide a brief description of your reference. How do they know you?


Please check the following boxes to indicate you have read and agree with the following statements.

Supporting Documents

Please upload a PDF of your resume.

Drag and drop files here or