30th Class: Policy Placement Application

Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Congressional Hunger Center and hosting an Emerson Fellow. As part of the process you are required to complete this webform application.

You are also required to submit a project proposal. Here is a link to a blank project proposal form: https://bit.ly/3rfjbsP

  • Note 1: This webform application must be completed in one sitting as your progress will not be saved.
  • NOTE 2: Both the webform application and the proposed work plan are due at 5 pm EST on Monday, November 20.

Host Organization Information

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(Only if different from the person/s who will be supervising the fellow/s).

If yes, please list the names of past fellows:

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Additional Information

Explain how your organization specifically addresses issues of racial equity in its work. 150-200 words

Describe the policies and/or practices your organization has developed that would contribute to a positive work environment BIPOC fellows, those with lived expertise with hunger and poverty, and LGBTQ+ fellows. 150-200 words

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If so, how much do you anticipate providing per month?

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Work Space

If you plan on requiring your fellow/s to be in the office, the fellow/s will need space to do their work, as well as computer and internet access to report on their work and fulfill the program’s learning and leadership development requirements Check all below that your organization will provide to the fellow/s.

(This will not be considered as part of the decision-making process but it is helpful for Emerson Program staff to know in advance).

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If you are requiring your fellow/s to be on-site and did not check any of the above, please tell us how this will/will not affect the work of the fellow/s. If you are requiring your fellow/s to work virtually, please use the space below to indicate what equipment you will be providing the fellow/s.

Work Environment

Select or enter value
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Select or enter value
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Independent Contractor Status

As contractors, fellows are subject to self-employment taxes and need to procure health coverage on their own. Given the unique nature of fellows' employment status, please tell us about your experience working with independent contractors.

Lobbying Prohibition

During the course of their policy placement, Emerson Fellows are prohibited from lobbying. The memo at this describes the difference between advocacy and lobbying: http://bit.ly/advocacyvslobbying

Please select "Yes" to acknowledge that you understand that, should you be selected as a policy placement, your Emerson Fellow/s will not engage in lobbying.

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Host Organization Cost Share

Policy sites are required to pay a program cost share per fellow based on the table below, which must be submitted to the Congressional Hunger Center in February 2024.

Policy Organizations with:

  • Budgets under $1 million: $4,345 per fellow
  • Budgets between $1-$10 million: $6,050 per fellow
  • Budgets between $10 million-$100 million $7,810 per fellow
  • Budgets over $100 million: $10,065 per fellow

Additional Thoughts, Questions, or Comments

Work Plan and Additional Attachments

Work Plan: Applications must include a completed work plan. Please download a blank work plan, fill it out, and upload it. The link to a blank project proposal form is here: https://bit.ly/3rfjbsP

Drag and drop files here or