List of Essay and Experiences* - Please upload as two pdf documents (one with essay and experience, one with the mock flyer)*. Please read instructions fully.
(1) Answers to the following question, no more than 2 pages:
What are strengths you would bring to the position?
What aspects of the position would you find challenging? How would you address these challenges within your role?
(2) A list of experiences, no more than two pages, that lists your paid and unpaid leadership experiences. For each experience, please list your title, the location, the length of time, and most importantly, the duties you performed.
(3) “Mock Flyer” Prompt: (Upload as separate .PDF attachment from Essay & Experiences .PDF)
A common task that Clerks are assigned are creating graphics or flyers. Please create a “mock flyer” to demonstrate an example of your graphic design ability and incorporate the following details:
Event: Welcome Carnival
Date: Saturday, September 17th
Time: 10AM
Contact information: