Admin Clerk Application 2024-2025

Thank you for your interest in the position! Please be sure you submit the application when you are done. You will receive a confirmation message when you have successfully submitted it. The application will remain open until all positions are filled.

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If you have worked on campus before: Go to There’s an icon that reads “UCPath Online - Login” about mid way down the page. Click this icon. Select “University of California, Berkeley”. Fill in your CalNet Authentication Information. In the top left-hand corner, there’s a blue box with your name, Primary Title, Employee ID, and Service Date. Please fill in your Employee ID into the box below. If you have not worked on campus before or do not have an Employee ID, please skip this question.

Have you worked for the department of Residential Life before? (ex: RA, Tutor, Clerk, etc.)*

To find your Proxy Number: Take out your Cal ID Flip the card over to the back In the bottom right-hand corner in black, you will see a series of numbers that looks like this: xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx-x The Proxy Number we are looking for is the first 6 numbers before the longer sequence. Ex: 123456 1111111111-1, the number we are looking for is 123456

Admin Clerk Eligibility Statement

Please note, you must have Work Study to be eligible for these positions. If you are currently employed by Residential Life as a Hall Staff member (RA/TPRA/SRA) or serve as a Hiring Coordinator or Residential Student Coordinator then you are not eligible to apply for the Residential Life Admin Clerk position.

Additionally to hiring for Residence Life areas, The Academic Support Unit is seeking students interested in a clerk role specifically supporting our residential academic programs including Residential Tutoring, Resident Faculty and Academic Support Initiatives.

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The Leadership Development Unit is seeking students interested in a clerk role supporting the residential leadership programs including: RHA (Hall Association Account Student Auditing), Leadership Development Programs and initiatives.

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Instructions for Written Section

Below are the instructions for the written section of your application. Please note that you must submit two PDFs along with this application. The first PDF should contain your Essay response and your Experiences response. The second PDF should contain your Mock Flyer.



List of Essay and Experiences* - Please upload as two pdf documents (one with essay and experience, one with the mock flyer)*. Please read instructions fully.

(1) Answers to the following question, no more than 2 pages:

What are strengths you would bring to the position?

What aspects of the position would you find challenging? How would you address these challenges within your role?

(2) A list of experiences, no more than two pages, that lists your paid and unpaid leadership experiences. For each experience, please list your title, the location, the length of time, and most importantly, the duties you performed.

(3) “Mock Flyer” Prompt: (Upload as separate .PDF attachment from Essay & Experiences .PDF)

A common task that Clerks are assigned are creating graphics or flyers. Please create a “mock flyer” to demonstrate an example of your graphic design ability and incorporate the following details:

Event: Welcome Carnival

Date: Saturday, September 17th

Time: 10AM

Contact information:

Drag and drop files here or

Written Section Resources

Here is the direct link to the website with the Admin Clerk job responsibilities & expectations outlined: AS A REMINDER: Please be sure to proofread your responses before submitting. WE WILL ONLY BE REVIEWING APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED IN THE REQUIRED .PDF FILE FORMAT.