Find A Loved One Request

Are you trying to locate a loved one in a city owned cemetery? Please submit a request below and we will help you locate them and provide you information we may have regarding their burial.

Please note that the City maintains burial records. Therefore information regarding the deceased background, manner of death, or family genealogy is not available.

We ask that you please complete one request per person you are looking for.


Email is the best method of communication. This will allow us to easily provide you any information we find on your loved one.

Name of the person you are looking for. Please provide first and last name. Include any possible nicknames, maiden names, etc. that might help us locate them.

What is your relationship to the deceased?

Deceased Cemetery Location*

Which city owned cemetery do you believe they are buried in?

What do you believe is the deceased date of death? If you don't have an exact date, having an approximate date or year of death will help in our search.

Please review our rules and regulations regarding headstone requirements. Only companies that are currently approved to do work within City managed cemeteries may install headstones. A list of approved monument companies will be provided when emailing the results of your request.

The total cost for the headstone (upright only) will depend on the size of the stone which is calculated at $0.10 a square inch. There will also be a $35 Staking Fee. The approved monument company will be required to send a diagram with measurements to me prior to moving forward with ordering.

The total cost for placement of a flat stone is $45. This includes a Flat Marker Fee and a Staking Fee.

Any payments should be made by credit card. If there is anything else you have questions on or I can assist please let me know.

No space will be flagged for installation until the City fees are paid.

Is there any other information you would like to provide us that might help us locate them?

You may include any files, documents, photos, etc. that you would like to share with us that may assist us in locating your loved one.

Drag and drop files here or