SafeUT Data Request

If you are with a school or district, you do not need to complete this form. Data can be obtained by contacting your school's SafeUT district leader who has access to data in the SafeUT administrative portal. If you are unsure who that is, please contact us at or 801.587.8852.

School and district contacts may only have access to their own school or district data, respectively. If you would like data from another school or district, complete this form. Please note it will be reviewed and granted by the SafeUT Data Release Review Board and may take up to 30 days.

If you are not with a school or district, complete this form and understand data requests may take up to 10 business days to complete.

If your request is urgent, please indicate so and we will do our best to expedite the request.

Please make an effort to include all data points needed in the initial request. Any additional data that is needed after your request has been fulfilled, such as adding additional data points, may be delayed up to 30 days.

Any data points less than 10 will be replaced with an "X" to preserve SafeUT user confidentiality.