Registered Charity No. 1099251

Prize for Student Performance of Baroque Instrumental Music

Leeds Conservatoire, Saturday 15 April 2023


(Closing date for submission: Thursday 15 December 2022)

Competitors must currently be enrolled, or have been enrolled during 2021-22, at a Higher Education College or University in West Yorkshire.

Proof of this status must be supplied along with this Application Form. There are no age limitations.

The competing ensemble should comprise EITHER a solo instrumental performer; OR a soloist with keyboard accompanist; OR a group of not more than five musicians.

Competitor title

This can be EITHER the name of an individual (single competitor, or leader of the ensemble) OR a name chosen to designate the ensemble.

Lead musician, contact details

Other Performer(s)

Please give the names and instruments of all other musicians who will be involved in the performance.

Academic courses / institution

Please note that you have to be currently enrolled, or be in your first year as a graduate to apply (eg, you were enrolled during 2021-22, but are now a graduate.

Please upload a supporting document to confirm your status as being enrolled on the above course(s).

Drag and drop files here or

Performance Details

Give details below about your proposed programme to be performed, if selected, in the compeition finals on 15 April 2023 at Leeds Conservatoire.

The total duration of the piece(s) chosen must not exceed 15 minutes.

Please give details below of any specific instrumental resources that you may need for this performace. A harpsichord and digital chamber organ can be provided to all competitors.

If you require any further instruments to be provided, please note this below so this can be discussed with Leeds Conservatoire, host venue for the 2023 competition.

Sample recording

Please submit a sample recording, that will be used by the judges to make an initial selection for the competition finals.

The total duration of the piece(s) performed in this recording must not exceed 10 minutes.This recording may or may not include material to be performed in the Competition recital.


Please tick the box below to confirm that you, and your fellow performers listed on the above form agree to the following;

By submitting this form, I agree to abide by the conditions and procedures of the FBMY Prize for Student Performance of Baroque Instrumental Music, as detailed in the Announcement for that Prize.

I also agree that my personal details may be retained, under GDPR conditions, by FBMY and by Leeds Conservatoire until the 2023 Prize is awarded. After that, details may only be kept with my written permission.