Zip Codes of Opportunity Vacancy Loss Payment Request Form
A vacancy loss payment will be paid to the owner/agent for up to one-month's contract rent of the previous tenant. AMHA will make the vacancy payment to the owner if:
1. The owner/agent gives AMHA written notice within 10 business days certifying the family has vacated the unit and the date when the family has moved out;
2. The owner/agent re-leases the unit to a new voucher family within 3 months of the move-out date; and
3. The request is submitted within 30 days after the new tenant moves in.
Vacancy loss payments can be requested for one of two reasons:
1. The unit is located in an eligible zip code: 44056, 44067, 44087, 44141, 44202, 44221, 44223, 44224, 44236, 44264, 44286, 44301, 44319, 44321, 44333 and 44685.
2. There are extenuating circumstances (a deceased tenant with no remaining household member to assume the lease OR a move due to VAWA). The owner must supply proof of the circumstances as needed.