Special Consideration Application

Please use one form per assesment/exam/assignment.

The outcome of each application will be sent to your SIBT email address.

The Statutory Declaration form can be downloaded from: https://www.jp.nsw.gov.au

All Medical reason WILL require a Medical certificate.

We DO NOT accept notes/certificate from Pharmacy.

For online only providers (like tele health, etc) the provider will need to be registered with AHPRA.

If you have any question(s) regarding this application form or the process, please contact us at: admin@sibt.nsw.edu.au

Have you missed / will you miss an in-session assessment task?*

This applies to any assessment or submissions during the term. It does not apply to final exams/assessments.

Please select NO if you have missed your final exam/submission.

Have you spoken to your teacher?*
Have you missed / will you miss a final exam/assessment task?*

This question only applies to you final/last assessment or submission for your unit.

Was the exam/assessment that you missed more than 2 business days ago?*

1. Student Details


2. Assessment Details

If your unit code is not listed, please scroll at the bottom and select Other.

Caret IconCaret symbol


3. Reason

Drag and drop files here or

4. Checklist for Special Consideration / Deferred Exam Eligibility

Please choose an appropriate category (only 1):*

5. Student Declaration

Please note that if relevant supporting document(s) are not provided, there will be delays in processing your application. It is your responsibility to provide correct document(s).

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