Placement & Milestone Request

Welcome to the SPSCC Placement & Milestone Request form. This form can be used to submit documentation for:

  • English and Math placement
  • Specific Course placement
  • Temporary student document review

Before you fill out this form make sure you:

Have applied to SPSCC and have a CTC Link ID Number

Have copies of your documents ready to upload in a GIF, JPEG or PDF format. Documents must be submitted to this form.

If you are a current SPSCC student and are getting error messages trying to register for a class you believe you meet the prerequisite for, please fill out our Course Permissions form.

There are many types of documents you can submit for placement review! Please read through the information on our Placement & Transfer of Credit webpage for details.

Please provide an email we can reach you at if we have questions about your submission.

What term are you trying to register for?

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Are you a Temporary Student at SPSCC? Select "Yes" if you meet any of the criteria on the Temporary Students page.

If you are seeking a degree or certificate from SPSCC (enrolling full time or part time) or are a Running Start or Transition Studies student you are NOT a Temporary student

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Have you completed an Associates degree or higher?

Note: if "yes" you will need to submit documentation showing your degree award

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Have you completed 30 or more college level credits with a "D" grade or higher?

(College level credits is defined as courses numbered 100 or higher on a college transcript) Note: if "yes" you will need to submit documentation showing your credit accumulation

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Are you currently taking a prerequisite at another college that has not been assigned a final grade yet that you want to use for meeting the prerequisite for a course?

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Are you currently enrolled in a high school second semester course and trying to register for summer or fall quarter at SPSCC?

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Evaluations happen automatically for Math and English placement. Are you are trying to enroll in a specific course that has a prerequisite OTHER than Math/English?

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Please tell us the specific course(s) you need to enroll in for the upcoming quarter. Use the quarterly class schedule to ensure you have met the prerequisite and to give the correct course name information.

Ex: ACCT& 202, BIOL& 241, ASL& 122

Are all the courses we need to evaluate currently on your CTC Link transcript from other Washington Community Colleges?

Select or enter value
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If you only have a CTC Link transcript for us to look at, you do not need to upload anything. We should be able to see your courses in CTC Link. If we can't, we'll reach out to you to send us a copy!

Please upload your GIF, JPEG or PDF document(s) here for review by our Assessment team. Unofficial documents are allowed for placement review. If you want to request credit transferred into SPSCC, you will need to submit official transcripts to Enrollment Services. See our Transfer Credits page for more information.

Your documentation must show:

  • Your full name (first and last)
  • The date or term of completion or currently in progress
  • Grade information for all terms needed for evaluation
  • College Transcripts: Courses must be listed from college of origin. Transferred in credits on other college transcripts will not be used for evaluation of placement at SPSCC.
  • High School Transcripts: If you have taken CTE Dual Credit, College in the High School or Running Start through a college other than SPSCC, you must submit the COLLEGE transcript for placement review. We cannot evaluate college credit on a high school transcript for placement at SPSCC.

If your documentation does not show the information above, it will be rejected and you will need to submit a new request with the appropriate information and will be added to the end of the queue for processing. When taking a screen shot or picture of your documentation it is best to include the WHOLE screen/browser window.

If submitting for a prerequisite that is in progress currently, you must submit your first semester grade AND a copy of your class schedule for second semester (high school) or a copy of your current term enrollment (college).

Drag and drop files here or

Please let us know if there is any additional information that would be useful in processing your placement request.