Adopt-A-Stream Enrollment Form

Thank you for your interest in participating in the Adopt-A-Stream program.

We greatly appreciate your dedication to Pullman's waterways and our community.

Please complete the following form to become a Pullman Stream Steward or renew your annual commitment as a Stream Steward.

The organization, business, or family name to be used for signage and recognition

First Name

Last Name



Your organization or business' website will be featured on our Adopt-A-Stream website.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

As a representative of this stewardship group, I agree to the following:

Commit to cleaning 3 times annually.

Practice risk management practices that keep my stewardship group safe. Volunteers should wear high visibility clothing and always clean with a partner. Volunteers should avoid cleaning near roads or other hazardous locations. Be conscious of flow and avoid cleaning during high flow events. Clean during daylight hours only.

Respect PRIVATE PROPERTY, especially gardens and landscape plants. PCD has secured permission to access private lands for the purpose of cleaning the stream.

Pick up litter and recyclable materials on the ground and in the stream. Please keep recyclables separate and dispose of accordingly. Leave natural debris alone. Woody debris is good for healthy aquatic ecosystems. Try not to disturb wildlife, especially nesting birds with young.

After each clean-up event, a representative of my stewardship group will complete the Adopt-A-Stream Steward Clean-Up Report with highlights from the clean-up event, photos, number of participants, length of event and number of bags of trash removed.

Please check the box below indicating you have read this statement.

As a representative of this stewardship group, I agree to the following:

As the representative of my group, I indemnify and hold the Palouse Conservation District, City of Pullman, landowners, other volunteers, and any other third party for whom I am performing volunteer services, harmless from and against any liability, claim, injury, or costs arising from or resulting from my work as a volunteer.

Furthermore, I acknowledge that there are potential hazards associated with Adopt-A-Stream activities and I agree to exercise common sense and follow all safety precautions to avoid accident and injury.

I understand that my photo may be used to promote the Palouse Conservation District and City of Pullman’s programs and/or projects. I give my permission to use submitted photos on behalf of my stewardship group by checking the box below.

This acknowledges that I have read and understand the above liability release and photo release as the responsible individual on behalf of my entire Stewardship Group, including any participants hereinafter that assist with any clean-up activities on our designated segment.

It is my responsibility to share this information with any participants that I work with.

I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age.

Please check the box below indicating you have read this statement.