Guest Registration Form
I understand I am responsible for my guest and their behavior. I understand if at anytime, my guest’s stay here becomes a problem, they could be asked to leave the residence life. I have discussed their visit with my roommate and they agree to my guest staying overnight/visiting. The students can have guests if the students follows the guest policy process.
1. The guest is the same sex as the sponsoring resident and is over 18 years of age. Visitation hours for members of the opposite sex: 8a.m. through midnight nightly.
2. No overnight guest
3. The sponsoring resident is completely responsible for his or her guest’s behavior and actions during the visit. If a guest violates any of the Residence Life License Agreement his or her host will be held responsible for their actions and the guest could be banned from the Residence Life
4. The guest must be in the presence of the sponsoring host at all times. Please turn this form into the Residence Life Office at least 48 hours before your guest arrives for approval.
5.Each resident has a right to privacy that outweighs his/her roommate’s visitation privilege. If the presence of a visitor is an inconvenience to a roommate, the visitor should leave. No one should abuse this right by making unreasonable demands.