Garden Plot Request

General assignments of available plots in the Islander Garden will be as follows: Priority for plot assignments will be on a first-come/ first-serve basis and favor student gardeners over staff. Funding for the islander gardens comes from students' tuition fees. Once you have been approved for a plot, signed your Gardener Agreement and Islander Garden Safety Guidelines, you will be assigned a plot for the growing season. If a garden plot is not available, you will be added to a Waitlist.

Contact Information

Please provide the following information.


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Secondary Contact Information

Only fill out if you are requesting a plot for a Group/Organization.

Key Rules

1. Do not intentionally damage the Garden Plots or another's crops. 2. Plots are assigned on a first come/first serve basis. 3. Garden Plots are assigned to one person or group only and are not transferable. 4. You may designate a person to tend to your site, but as the owner of the plot it is your responsibility for the upkeep. 5. You must sign in to the Gardener Log at least twice a month to maintain an active status.

Office Use Only

You have been placed on a waitlist and will be contacted when a plot is available.

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