Basic information

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Please enter only numbers to the fields.

Number of core development projects (public procurements of X-Road version 6 or higher core development). The project scope must include developing / modifying the source code of the X-Road core components (Central Server, Security Server, Configuration Proxy).

Contributions submitted to the X-Road core master repository maintained by NIIS.

Only installations of X-Road version 6 or higher count. Installing an X-Road production environment means installing and configuring the central components of X-Road (Central Server, management Security Server and management services, X-Road Metrics, Service Catalogue, Trust Services). Instead, it doesn't mean connecting a single Security Server to an existing production environment. Also, in case a national X-Road setup consists of multiple separate environments (e.g., development, test, production), the number of installed production environments is considered one.

Only integrations with X-Road version 6 or higher count. Service consumer and producer integrations mean connecting information systems in service consumer / producer role to the X-Road Security Server.

Only experience with X-Road version 6 or higher counts.

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I have read the Procedure for use of data and data processing:

Because we value your company as a future X-Road® Technology Partner, we want you to review the X-Road® Technology Partner Agreement and Program Terms for participating in the program.

If You do not agree to these terms or do not have the authority to enter into this Agreement, you must not apply to the Program.

I have read the X-Road Technology Partner Agreement and Program Terms: