ci2 Internship Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in UCSF's Center for Intelligent Imaging (ci2) 2023 6 month internship program. Please carefully read the content of the following application and respond appropriately to each of the requests. If you have any issues completing the application or have questions about the program, feel free to reach out to Annie Liu ( for assistance.

About the Program

Interns can work closely with UCSF Faculty and researchers on projects that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning as optimizing tools to improve patient outcomes. Interns will gain exposure to cutting-edge science and experience working in a laboratory environment. The internship program is based at UCSF's facilities in San Francisco.

The program duration is approximately 6 months for 40 hours of work per week for undergraduate students or higher. The Center for Intelligent Imaging will pay interns a stipend for the duration of the program. Failure to complete the entirety of the internship may result in your stipend being revoked.

This is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students, domestic and international.

Interns are required to be enrolled and continuing in a program during and after the internship.

Please list the PIs and labs in ci2 that you would like to work with. This does not guarantee admittance, your interest will be relayed to the PI and they will ultimately decide on acceptance.

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