Mentor Application


  • Preference will be given to underrepresented geographic locations where there is a greater need for mentors.

  • A willingness to approach training and organizations without judgment and with encouragement.

  • Strong communication skills.

  • A willingness to learn and help others learn.

  • Experienced in at least one of the skills or subject matters listed within the application form is required.

  • At least one year of experience working in a heritage organization.

  • Previous experience in Collections Care or Management preferred. However, mentors will come from a wide variety of experience and training. They will be encouraged to build their knowledge through other training programs offered by Oregon Heritage, MentorCorps partners, National Heritage, and Emergency Response organizations.

  • Access to broadband internet for communication and training.

  • A valid Oregon driver's license or the ability to arrange transportation to visit heritage organizations in their region.


Oregon Heritage will provide at least one mentor training each year. Support from Oregon Heritage will include: Coordination of matching mentors to heritage organizations. Provide free registration and lodging (when budget allows) to attend the Oregon Heritage Conference and Summit. Share information about training opportunities and resources. Free trainings specifically for mentors when opportunities arise. Provide reminders for quarterly reports. Quarterly opportunities for mentors to connect and network with each other.


Oregon Heritage will compensate mileage payments of .50 cents per mile up to 200 miles or $100 dollars per quarter. Compensation will only be paid if a mileage report is filled out and returned.

Contact Information

If applicable, share where you currently do or previously have done heritage work & what your roles are/were

Emergency Contact


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I will have access to broadband internet for project communications.*

Choose all that apply

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Choose all that apply

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What technology do you have access to, and would you be willing to use these resources for mentor assistance? ex. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Conference lines, etc.

In-Person Mentorship*

Do you possess a valid Oregon State driver's license, or have the ability to arrange for transportation to visit museums, libraries and archives in your region?

Virtual Mentorship

Are you willing to solely virtually mentor an organization if you do not have the ability to arrange for transportation or the institution is not within your region?

Specific Experiences

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While you may have experience in a variety of arenas, most people have preferred areas in which they regularly work and operate. Please indicate which of the abovementioned skillsets you feel most comfortable addressing with heritage partners.

Are you a current private consultant for heritage organizations?

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Experience Overview

Give a brief synopsis of your experience with collection care and management. Explain significant roles, responsibilities, projects, etc. that have contributes to your career as a Museum Professional.

Give a brief synopsis of your experience in Emergency Preparedness and Management.

What is your experience with non-profit management and capacity building?

Explain any experience you have with building relationships in your community.

Do you have experience giving presentations, trainings or workshops? If so, please list any you find relevant. Please also list any trainings you have taken in public speaking or presenting.

About You

How would you describe your communication style and what are your preferred methods of communication? (e.g. phone call, text, email, video chat, in person).

What methods do you use and find successful in facilitating learning opportunities with organizations and individuals?

What is your personal working style? How will this translate into an approach for problem solving with organizations seeking assistance?

Oregon Heritage recognizes that there are best practices when it comes to heritage resource management, however, we also recognize the practicability of achieving those goals is often resource limited. Our goal for heritage organizations using MentorCorps is to help them improve toward best practices in the most feasible ways possible, not necessarily achieving them. Most importantly, we seek and approach these improvements in a non-judgmental way.

Describe your personal values for heritage resource management and how your approach toward mentoring would mirror the Oregon Heritage stance.

Why do you want to become a mentor?


Upload a copy of your resume below.

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