2025 Outdoor Exhibitor Application

Thank you for your interest in being an OUTDOOR Exhibitor at the 2025 Calgary Stampede.

Official dates for the 2025 Calgary Stampede are July 4-13, 2025. (Sneak-A-Peek on July 3th).

The Calgary Stampede is a not-for-profit organization that preserves and promotes our western heritage and values. The Exhibitors at the Calgary Stampede are large contributors to what we believe to be The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth. Working together, we are able to connect with our community through programming initiatives. It is important to us to maintain our western heritage while maintaining our rural and urban connections.

All applications go through a selection process and exhibitors will be approved based on a variety of criteria including:

-Professional, attractive display

-Uniqueness and appeal of the product

-Space availability

-Availability of product category

-Financial responsibility and accountability.

The Calgary Stampede Exhibitor Application Process:

STEP 1: Download and read the Application and Budgeting Guidebooks to become familiar with all the practices and expectations for Calgary Stampede exhibitors. Found here: https://www.calgarystampede.com/exhibitors

STEP 2: Fill out this application (Outdoor Only). You will be asked to submit both a product list with pricing and pictures of your booth as you intend to set up at the Calgary Stampede as well as an image of your product. If your booth setup differs from your application (unless otherwise first authorized by the Midway Team), it is grounds for termination of your contract.

Entire product/price lists and pictures of your booth setup must be submitted within this application. If you are unable to attached your photos please email stampedeexhibits@calgarystampede.com. No application will be considered complete unless a product list and pictures are included. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

An application is required for each booth you wish to open and operate at the Calgary Stampede. The application is for selection consideration only. The application does NOT constitute a contractual agreement between our organizations.

STEP 3: We will contact you should we require any additional information and/or the notice of application status (Yes/No/Waitlisted) is released, which is in the final week of February.

If you would like to submit an INDOOR EXHIBITOR application, you will need to access the indoor application form. Found here: http://www.calgarystampede.com/exhibitors

If you have questions, please email stampedeexhibits@calgarystampede.com

*You are required to submit an application per booth.

Are you a new Exhibitor to the Calgary Stampede?*
Exhibitor Guidebooks*

Please read the Outdoor Exhibitor Application Guidebook and the Outdoor Exhibitor Budget Guidebook before applying.

Company Information

Select or enter value
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First and Last Name for contracting and billing purposes.

All Percentage Exhibitors (Food & Beverage & Custom Services) are required to use Square or Clover to process all cash and electronic sales.*

All Percentage Exhibitors are required to use square or Clover as electronic POS systems to record and process all sales.

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Booth Details

Please provide details on your booth and onsite contact information.

This is the name that will visibly appear on the booth. This name may also be used on maps, listings, directions, etc.

Will you be the Primary Contact On Site for this Booth?*

First and Last Name

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Experience, Retail, etc.

This is the size of your booth when your display is fully functional, this must include any awnings, California Countertops, stairs, trailer hitches, etc. Please enter dimensions like so, __ft. x __ft.

Inline Setup*

Booth/Trailer serves only from one side of booth.

Centre Line Setup*

Booth/Trailer serves from two or more sides. Booth photo submitted within application must show which sides you wish to have operational during the event.

Beverage Fridge*

Are you planning to rent/order a fridge from Coca-Cola for the purpose of bottled beverages sales?

Propane Required*

Booth/Trailer requires propane to operate

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Storage Requirements

Space is limited on park, please let us know what you require in order for your booth to be successful. Space is limited and not guaranteed.

Stock Storage*

Do you require any additional space for a stock storage truck or trailer? *Space is limited and not guaranteed.

These dimensions must include any space required for unloading product.

Does your stock storage truck or trailer require power or water hook ups?*
Storage Truck or Trailer service requirements
Do you require additional space for a stock storage tent?*

*Space is limited and tents are not guaranteed.

Product and Services

Please comment here with the product and services you wish to bring in 2025.

All listed products and services are subject to approval and not guaranteed to be accepted.

Product information must be brand specific where applicable.

If exact price is unknown, please provide an estimated price range. Any application submitted without a price list is incomplete and will not be considered for review.

You will need to upload multiple files to this box. 1. Please upload three (3) photos of your booth setup during hours of operation, include front and side views. 2. Upload an example of your product offering. Files that cannot be uploaded to the form may be emailed to stampedeexhibits@calgarystampede.com

Drag and drop files here or
Do you have any food offerings that cater to food sensitivities or dietary considerations?*

(gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan, halal etc.)

Do you have a NEW food offering?*

New Midway food is an iconic and long-time staple of people when visiting the Calgary Stampede, if you have a new whacky idea we want to hear about it!

Select or enter value
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Please provide your detailed refund policy. In order to provide the best guest experiences, "No Refund" policies are not encouraged. Refund policies MUST be visible and posted in booths at all times.

Broadcasting Opportunity

The Calgary Stampede offers an opportunity to broadcast your Ad during our Rodeo and/or our Rangeland Derby. Would like more information on this opportunity?

Canadian Association of Fairs & Expositions (C.A.F.E.) Membership

Are you a member of the Canadian Association of Fairs & Expositions (C.A.F.E.)?*


Environmental Sustainability and Social Impact

The Stampede is committed to environmental sustainability and positive social impact in our programs the following questions help us to understand your company further, the following is for informational purposes only.

The packaging you provide is mostly compostable. (examples: plates, cutlery, etc.). You are a plastic-free Exhibitor.

Final Steps

Please provide any additional comments or requests that you would like the Calgary Stampede selection team to be aware of during the selection process

Please click the box below to receive a copy of your completed application.

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