GSR Fellow/Trainee

AY24-25 GSR Fellow/Trainee Hiring Process


There is a two-part process for the inputting of student hiring information into the Master Hiring Smartsheet for AY24-25. These steps are critical and mandatory.

Part One:

Use this Smartsheet (short) form link to enter basic student details. The information entered on the Smartsheet (short) form will automatically feed to and populate the Master Hiring Smartsheet for AY24-25.

Part Two:

Go to your EXISTING departmental/unit Smartsheet report and complete the appointment details. If you need assistance in locating your Smartsheet report, contact your regional BRS HR Team.

Why a two-part process?

Because we are only using one Master Hiring Smartsheet, this workflow is programmed to move the student’s name to the applicable region and department/unit hiring Smartsheet report and will avoid the overwriting of Smartsheet rows by multiple simultaneous entries onto the same Smartsheet.

Provide Lived Last Name of hire. The Lived Name is an individual's self-chosen or personal and/or preferred professional name. More info here:

Provide Lived First Name of hire. The Lived Name is an individual's self-chosen or personal and/or preferred professional name. More info here:

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