Enrollment Request for Careers: Undergraduate Taking a Graduate Course

Undergraduate students use this form to request enrollment in graduate level courses and to apply them toward fulfilling undergraduate degree requirements. Please complete this form and submit it to the academic coordinator for review and subsequent forwarding to the Graduate School.

If you wish to use these courses towards a graduate degree at WSU, do not complete this form. Instead, please complete and submit the Reservation of Graduate Credit form.

Student Information

Current Degree Information

Indicate the degree program you are CURRENTLY enrolled in.

Example: BA in Psychology, BS in Chemistry, etc.

Enrollment Request:

Review and carefully provide all of the following information to request enrollment in a graduate course.


Example: HISTORY 509: Foundations in U.S. History

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Provide the section number. This helps Graduate School staff ensure you are enrolled in the correct course offering (campus, time, instructor, etc.).

Do you need to enter an additional course?


Example: CHEM 501: Modern Inorganic Chemistry

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Provide the section number. This helps Graduate School staff ensure you are enrolled in the correct course offering (campus, time, instructor, etc.).

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Example: PSYCH 535: Personality Assessment and Diagnosis

This is the unique enrollment number for a specific course, available in WSU's schedule of classes.

Provide the section number. This helps Graduate School staff ensure you are enrolled in the correct course offering (campus, time, instructor, etc.).

Do you need to enter an additional course?*


Example: E_E 518: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I

Use this space for any brief comments regarding this enrollment.

Provide the section number. This helps Graduate School staff ensure you are enrolled in the correct course offering (campus, time, instructor, etc.).