WDEQ Water Quality Division Well Plugging and Abandonment Form

All wells must be plugged and abandoned in accordance with Wyoming Water Quality Rules and Regulations Chapter 26, Section 11. Required fields are noted by a red asterisk. Please note that Section 11 requires pre-notification of plugging and abandonment activities. Notification of Plugging and Abandonment can be reported using the following webform: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/0a4edda2e9e34cdaac0e61dabce001ee

Include company name, contact, mailing address, contact phone number and email address.

Well Information

Please complete as much information as possible regarding the well being plugged and abandoned. You may be contacted for additional information if not completed.

UIC Permit Number, Chapter 3 Permit to Construct #, VRP or STP Site Number, SEO Permit Number

DEQ Program for which the well belongs. For example, UIC, STP or VRP. Well Program Area should align with the permit number the well was authorized under.

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Please provide the name of the DEQ program Project Manager or Contact Person.

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Well Plugging and Abandonment Information

Provide information on the plugging of the well, including date of abandonment work, materials and volumes used, person/company responsible for the P&A oversight.

Additional documents to support the plugging and abandonment activities can be uploaded here. If information is not supplied on this e-form, a WDEQ Plugging and Abandonment Form must be uploaded, available at: http://deq.wyoming.gov/wqd/underground-injection-control/resources/forms/

Drag and drop files here or

Please enter contact information for the responsible party for the plugging and abandonment activity. Name, company, address, phone number and email.

Please enter the plugging material used, the depth of emplacement, and estimated volume. Enter each material used on a different line. For example: Neat Cement, 0 to 1200 ft bgs, 586 cu ft

Please provide a description of the surface marker, if installed.