Membership Application Form
Application: $65.00
1 Booth (2 parking spaces) Included with Membership
Renewing Member: $30.00
Extra Booth (2 parking spaces): $30.00
Limit is 2 Booths
First time applicants (or those whose membership has lapsed for more than one market year) is $30 annually (refundable if application is declined) and a $35 non-refundable application fee (covers artisan jury fee and inspections).
New members are required to undergo an approval for membership before being allowed to sell at any F.A.R.M. market.
New members are also required to provide 2 non-family references that are familiar with their work. Please allow two weeks for application to process.
All questions regarding application can be sent to
Members: $5.00 per Market day
Guests: $20.00 per Market day (Fees must be prepaid.)
Please select which days you plan to attend below.
NOTE: Booth space is 2 parking spaces for all attendees.
Please use format: (123) 456-7890
$5 per market for Members, $20 per market for Guests.
1 • For honey products, please attach apiary registration documents in file upload field below.
2 • All potted plants/nursery stock must have a current plant dealer, greenhouse, or nursery certificate from the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. (Tenn. Comp. R. & Regs. 0080-0601)
3 • All meat sales require a Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) permit and must be registered per Tennessee Code § 53-8-207.
4 • All dairy sales require a Tennessee Department of Agriculture (TDA) permit and must be registered per Tennessee Code § 53-3-106.
5 • Current TDA license to grow industrial hemp, current TDA Industrial Hemp Inspection Report, Certificate of Analysis for CBD Oil, and your COA for dried hemp are required.
Please select all that apply.
I agree to abide by the rules and requirements for membership and the by-laws of F.A.R.M. and to abide by the decisions of this organization and its Board of Directors while selling under the auspices of F.A.R.M. If selling by weight, I understand I must use certified scales bearing current TDA inspection sticker. I understand that failure to comply can result in exclusion as an active member.
Please attach 5 photographs of your set up below.
• All work will be evaluated by F.A.R.M. representatives and you will be contacted if your application has been accepted.
• All state heath permits, and inspection reports MUST be included with this application
Please attach 5 photographs of your work below.
Please provide two references and include preferred phone number for each.
By signing the application, I agree to abide by the rules and requirements of F.A.R.M. I understand that failure to comply can result in exclusion.