Post DLS/Manager Discussion/Resource Check

This form is to be filled out by the PD and DLS for any learning resource that incurs a cost for approval by the Dean and CAO.

You will need to submit a separate form for each learning resource you are requesting to adopt for courses in the program (one form per learning resource).

If you have any questions, please contact the Learning Resources team.

What is the program-wide learning resources strategy?

Other courses that will be using this learning resource.

Proposed Learning Resource Name/Title and Author/Provider

Are there any options available to improve affordability (such as bulk purchase, rental, etc.):

What is the rationale for adoption of this learning resource? Please include how much of this learning resource students will utilize during this course (10%? 50%? 100%?). If less than 50%, please explain why it is needed.

Describe your search process to locate resources, particularly, your efforts to locate openly licensed and/or freely available materials

List alternative materials you found during your search (if any) and, for each, describe how it is inferior to the one you are proposing to adopt:

Have you identified a way to fund this adoption and is that funding sustainable?

Describe how students will obtain/access this learning resource. Be sure to address overseas students’ access as well:

Which other courses in the program (if any) incur costs for learning resources? List each course by name and include the cost of the materials:

What additional comments or information would you like to share?