CUHCC Quality Improvement & Research Application

Please complete this application if you're interested in a Quality Improvement or Research Project at CUHCC. Someone from the Quality or Research teams at CUHCC will follow-up with you after your application is submitted.

1. Is this a change to a previous application?*

Contact Information


6. Are you affiliated with the University of Minnesota?*
7. Are you a learner?*
7a. Are you a current or do you plan on becoming a learner at CUHCC?*
7a-1. What CUHCC department are you a learner in?*
7b. Do you have a project mentor (Principal Investigator or Advisor of Student Investigator) ?*
7b-3. Is your project mentor at CUHCC?*

Quality Improvement Versus Research

Research = Human Subjects involved

Quality Improvement = No Human Subjects Involved


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

Human Subject Regulations Decision Charts: 2018 Requirements


503: Human Research Determination Form

  • Student-Investigators should create the ETHOS submission, but their Advisor will submit the Determination Form (HRP-503).

UMN Investigator Manual, Page 24

Project Type

10. Is your project:*

Instructions for Researchers and Student-Researchers

Each research application is reviewed by the CUHCC Research Infrastructure Team.

After the team has reviewed your completed application, you will receive one of the 3 of the following notifications:

  1. Denied - with reasons
  2. Accepted
  3. Pending with additional questions

CUHCC's Research Standards include:

  1. The research is a benefit to our patients and community
  2. The research design is of acceptable quality
  3. All resources necessary to complete the project are accounted for, and, the cost to CUHCC is negligible
  4. The project does not interfere with patient services
  5. The project is judged as acceptable to our patients
  6. There is a mechanism for ongoing review and discussion between the investigator and CUHCC regarding the evaluation, interpretation, and dissemination of the results
  7. The timing of the project does not conflict with other clinical and research projects already scheduled
  8. The overall potential benefit of the project outweighs the known or potential costs and risks

For questions regarding Research, please contact: Shannon Pergament at

11R. IRB Application Type:*
12R. Project IRB Status:*

Summary of Project

You may also attach files below in addition to Questions 16Ra-g.

17R. Are you willing to showcase your study at CUHCC (i.e. poster session)?*
18R. Do you agree to share your study findings and dissemination products with CUHCC?*
19Rb. If requesting data, please select which statement applies to you.*
21R. What is your funding status?*

You may also add this as an attachment.

23R. Are you looking to partner with SaLaHmo?*
  • Note for Community Based Participatory Research Partnership (CBPR): Community-academic research partnership in all aspects of the study.
  • Note for Consulting Arrangements - SoLaHmo does not provide translation services or help with recruitment outside of a more robust collaboration.

Instructions for Quality Improvement (QI) Projects

Once the Human subjects determination form and this application are completed, the Quality Team will set-up an initial meeting with the individual who submitted the application.

Quality Projects will be approved for learners that are currently a learner or who are planning to be a learner at CUHCC during the time of their project. All other projects will be denied

For questions about Quality Improvement Projects, please contact:

11Q. Is this QI project required for your educational program?*

i.e. paper, presentation

QI - Please upload (if applicable):

  • Objectives / deliverables /and any mini milestone deliveries needed
  • QI proposal
  • Human Subjects Determination Approval
  • Other documents

Research - Please upload (if applicable):

  • Your Project's Protocol
  • A Summary of your Project.
  • A Summary of your Proposed Budget for CUHCC Involvement.

Drag and drop files here or
