Jane Grant Fellowship Application

Deadline: January 27, 2025

Failure to follow these steps may result in disqualification.

Step 1: Complete all sections of this form, including signature and date, and upload a PDF of your proposal narrative before submitting.

Step 2: In addition to this application, you must have two letters submitted in support of your application as follows:

1. One detailed letter from your dissertation advisor that includes the following information.

        a. Date dissertation proposal was/will be approved.

        b. Ability to achieve research objectives.

        c. Anticipated contribution to research in discipline.

2. One brief letter by the department head indicating approval of your application for funding outside of the department’s GE/TA appointments.

The faculty member and department head must submit their letters by email attachment to cswsgrants@uoregon.edu before 5:00 p.m. on January 27, 2025.

Please note: it is the applicant’s responsibility to

a) ask the faculty members;

b) provide your proposal to the faculty members for review in a timely fashion; and

c) ensure that the faculty members have submitted their letters of support by the deadline.

Application Checklist: Be sure all application elements are ready before completing this form:

  • Personal information
  • Dissertation Information

Application PDF

  • Abstract (250 words maximum)
  • Proposal narrative (1,200 words maximum) with the following subheadings:

                a) conception and definition

                b) significance of project

                c) work plan, methods, and approach

                d) timeline for project completion

  • Bibliography (two pages maximum)
  • Current abbreviated vita (two pages maximum)
  • Current unofficial UO transcript (from DuckWeb)

REMINDER: Once submitted, you will not have the chance to edit this application.

Applicant Information


(Required for payment purposes only; does not affect grant eligibility)

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(Required for student insurance purposes; does not affect grant eligibility)

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Dissertation Information

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Please tell us the source(s) (who is sponsoring the award), the amount, and notification date.

Example: UO Research Support Award - $15,000 - Jan 1, 2023

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In order to receive your award, IRB approval must be received by the deadline or your award will be delayed.

Select or enter value
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Please combine your proposal narrative, bibliography, current abbreviated vita, and current unofficial UO transcript (in that order) for submission.

Drag and drop files here or


I certify the above and included information to be correct and true:

Please type full name below as your signature.