AOAC Official Methods Program

Call for Subject matter experts for AOAC Expert Review Panel (ERP) for bromoform in seaweed and animal feed (gas chromatography of volatile compounds) submission form

The AOAC Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) program is currently seeking experts in several areas to participate as volunteer subject matter experts to serve as expert review panel (ERP) members to evaluate validated candidate methods for the Official Methods of Analysis (OMA) program, and/or to assist in the development of validation protocols for method validation.

Interested candidates must complete this application and include a copy of their current curriculum vitae (CV) and a summary of relevant expertise.

Please note that ONLY applications with complete statements of expertise and CVs/resumes will be considered.

Type of Organization*
Specific Perspective*

(State/Provence, Country)

Please summarize below your areas and knowledge of expertise related or specific to the analysis of Bromoform, method validation, and/or the detection/quantitation of volatile contaminants by gas chromatography.

Please not that this information in addition to your CV will be reviewed by the AOAC Official Methods Board.

Drag and drop files here or
Please indicate if you would be interested in serving as Chair of the ERP, if the opportunity presents itself.*
Have you participated as an AOAC Expert or Volunteer within AOAC's consensus group(s)?*
Are you a member of AOAC?*

If you have any questions regarding your application please contact

Your application will be reviewed by the AOAC Official Methods Board after the listed deadline. Once reviewed you will receive an update on your status.

Thank You