Request to Join Closed Community

Thank you for your interest in joining an invitation-only community on EDUCAUSE Connect!

Your request to join one of the community will be reviewed by EDUCAUSE staff within 5 business days.

You will receive either an email from EDUCAUSE staff or an invitation to join the community via EDUCAUSE Connect (email will come from Be sure to add to your safe senders list or to check your spam folder if you do not see a message within 5 business days.

Important note: To be added to an EDUCAUSE Community Group, you must have an EDUCAUSE profile. If you don't already have one, you can create an EDUCAUSE profile.

Contact with any questions.

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Are you the highest-ranking data officer/professional at your institution?*
Are you the highest-ranking privacy officer/professional at your institution?*
Are you the highest-ranking information security officer/professional at your institution?*
Are you the leader of an IT Project Management Office?*

For your request to join to be accepted, you must be the highest ranking leader of an IT PMO at your institution.