Masking and Mental Health (ASD Tri-State Webinar)

Presented by: Jacquelyn Fede, Ph.D Orignally aired: January 27, 2021 After completing this form, you will receive emails depending on your answers in the Knowledge Check Section. If you pass the Knowledge Check with 4 of 5 questions correct, you will receive an email with a link to a personalized certificate. If you do not pass the Knowledge Check, you will receive an email with some feedback and a link to try again. Emails can take up to 60 minutes to arrive; thank you for your patience. Be sure to add the domain "" to your safe senders list. Please contact Amanda Timmerman,, with any questions.

Your Information

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Some districts are their own AU while others belong to a BOCES. If you do not see your district in the drop-down list, try searching by county name, or select the BOCES to which your district belongs. Districts are listed first, then BOCES, then universities, facility schools, and other public agencies. If you do not work for a public agency, choose "Not Affiliated" at the top of the list.

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Webinar Evaluation

(e.g. presenter, needed more information on this topic)

Knowledge Check

If you pass the Knowledge Check with 4 of 5 questions correct, you will receive an email with a link to a personalized certificate. If you do not pass the Knowledge Check, you will receive an email with some feedback and a link to try again. Emails can take up to 60 minutes to arrive; thank you for your patience. Be sure to add the domain "" to your safe senders list.

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