Non-Kellogg Courses: Requests to count toward MBA

Non-Kellogg Northwestern classes will count in your GPA and your 5-credit per-term limit, but will not automatically count toward your required minimum total credits for your MBA degree unless you receive approval. Please fill-out this petition to seek approval for a non-Kellogg graduate level class to count toward your minimum required credits for your MBA degree . The minimum requirements for a course to be considered include the following: - graduate-level - relevant to your MBA career or academic goals - no overlap of content available through any Kellogg course Please submit the course syllabus and a brief explanation of how the course is relevant to your career goals. A review of your request will be conducted in collaboration with the Dean's Office, and a decision will be communicated to you within 5-10 business days following your request submission. Thank you, Kellogg Academic Experience

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Please explain briefly how the course is relevant to your career goals