Complaint of violation of the Ethics Code

This form may be used to submit a complaint to the Ethical Practices Board that alleges a violation of the City’s Ethics Code by any city employee, elected official, department head, or local official appointed by the Mayor or City Council to a board, commission or other group.

Some of the information sought on this form is private data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13. The data on this form will be maintained by the City of Minneapolis in accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. The Board shall comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Data Practices Act. The existence and status of a complaint are public data. All other information regarding the complaint shall be private. The person making the complaint will be notified of the findings and recommendations to the extent permitted under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

Information about the filer of the complaint

You may choose to file an anonymous complaint by leaving this section blank, but if anonymous, a full investigation of this matter may not be possible.


Identify the person who is the subject of your complaint

Identify the part of the Ethics Code believed to have been violated

See the City’s Ethics Code, Chapter 15 of the Minneapolis Code of Ordinances

Nature of the complaint

Provide a statement of the facts known or believed by you to be true that form the basis of the complaint, including the approximate dates of the acts alleged. Any further information that might support your allegations should be submitted with this complaint, including names and contact information of others with personal knowledge of the facts alleged, documents, photographs or other evidence. You may attach additional documentation below.

Drag and drop files here or


If you are filing an anonymous complaint a signature is not required.

I affirm that the facts state in this complaint are true to the best of my knowledge. (Type name below for signature)

Investigation of complaints

Complaints about elected official, department head, or local official appointed by the Mayor or City Council

The Ethics Officer makes a preliminary evaluation of the complaint to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that there has been a violation of the Ethics Code or whether the complaint should be dismissed. The Ethical Practices Board then determines whether there is probable cause of a violation of the Ethics Code. If the Ethical Practices Board determines that there is probable cause to believe that there has been a violation of the Ethics Code, the subject of the complaint will be offered an opportunity for a hearing before the Board.

Complaints about other employees

Suspected ethics violations of other employees are referred to the appropriate official for investigation.