IMSERC Account Request

Please use this form to request first-time, account set-up for IMSERC within NUcore. This form is required of all first-time, IMSERC users, regardless of previous other NU core facility usage or NU internal or external.

Through this process you will gain:

  1. Verification or creation of your NUcore account for IMSERC, giving you the ability to request training and reserve time on facility instruments.
  2. Payment source assignment to your NUcore account, allowing you to bill instrument time in IMSERC. Be aware: your PI/Group leader must approve.
  3. Wildcard access to IMSERC facility and both Technological Institute and SIlverman Hall buildings access for off-hours use of instrumentation.
  4. Integration into IMSERC's remote data storage and backup systems for handling data access remotely.